Time For An Upgrade? Why You Need To Add Insulation To Your Ceiling

Home & Garden Blog

If you're in the process of updating the insulation in your walls, but you've decided to forego the ceiling, you might be selling yourself short. Your home isn't completely insulated until your ceiling is protected as well. If you think your home is safe without the added layer of ceiling insulation, read the information provided below. Here are just four ways the addition of insulation in the ceiling benefits you and your home.  

Keep Energy Costs Under Control

If your energy bills are higher than they should be, or you're using more energy than other homes in your area, there's a good chance that lack of insulation is the culprit. This is especially true if you don't have sufficient insulation in your ceiling. One of the problems with a lack of ceiling insulation is that the energy goes right through the roof. Once you insulate the ceiling, your energy costs will decrease. 

Keep Pollen Out of Your Home

If you suffer from allergies, you might think that your home's HVAC system will filter the allergens out of the air. Unfortunately, that's not entirely correct. Your HVAC filter will remove some of the allergens, but you might still end up with some pollen and contaminants in the air. That's where the ceiling insulation helps. One of the advantages of a well-insulated ceiling is that the insulation grabs the pollen and allergens that come in through the roof vents. As a result, you may experience fewer allergy symptoms.

Keep Moisture Levels Low

If you want to keep mould out of your home, you must keep the moisture levels as low as possible. When the moisture is elevated in your home, you're at an increased risk for mould growth. Unfortunately, mould is a fungus that does more than leave an ugly green stain. Mould can cause significant damage to your home and can also cause breathing problems for you. One way to control the moisture in your home is to increase the insulation in your ceiling. 

Keep Outside Noise Outside

If your home is being invaded by all of the noises from the outside world, it's time to increase the insulation in your ceiling. You might think that insulation only provides protection against weather-related issues, but that's not the case. Insulation also provides protection against unwanted noise. Increase your peace and quiet by adding insulation to your ceiling. To learn more, contact a ceiling insulation service. 


15 July 2021

Creating A Child-Friendly Outdoor Space

As the parent of five children, I've picked up some tips over the years when it comes to childproofing the garden and creating an outdoor space that's safe and can be enjoyed by everyone. I started focussing on safety in the garden after my first child had an accident that could have been prevented. Thankfully, they recovered pretty quickly, but I realised how easy it is for young children to get hurt when playing outdoors. I started this blog to share what I've learned as a parent, and topics I post about include creating safe swimming pools, identifying toxic garden plants, choosing child-safe gates and maintaining outdoor play equipment. I hope you find my blog interesting and useful.